Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Highlighting House Ads: DC Summer 1952

Here's a wonderful ad featuring the cover to two rare gems. Perhaps already seeing the Comics Code Authority on the horizon, DC really focused on the words 'Mystery' rather than 'Horror'. was obviously trying to sell it's horror and mystery titles This ad features the cover to the second issue under the Sensation Mystery banner. It's a beautifully designed Murphy Anderson piece with nice inks by Sy Barry. Also highlighted is the debut issue Phantom Stranger, with its very atmospheric cover by Carmine Infantino, inked again by Sy Barry. I'll never understand why these titles never took off. Perhaps it was because they did not focus on the gore of their competitors, or perhaps it was simply because DC/National knew that the horror trend was about to run its course. Either way, this house ad serves as a nice piece of history, hearkening back to a time when these two rarities could be had for 20 cents.

1 comment:

Bill Blair said...

Ads like this make me wish I was alive back then.